
Hello, I am Dikshant Sagar, a final year computer science master’s student in College of Engineering, Computer Science & Technology at California State University, Los Angeles. My research interests revolve around Deep Learning and Machine Learning Applications in Healthcare and Computational Drug Discovery. I am currently working as a graduate researcher at the Machine Learning and Sensing Lab, Cal State LA under Dr. Navid Amini and at the Computational Molecular Biology (COMB) Lab, Cal State LA under Dr. Negin Forouzesh.

Recent News

  • Paper titled “Clinical Features Predicting COVID-19 Severity Risk at the Time of Hospitalization” got published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science. (March 2024)

  • Will be receiving the Outstanding Graduate Student Award 2024 at California State University, Los Angeles.

  • Received the Outstanding Oral Presentation Award at the California State University, Los Angeles Annual Student Symposium on Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (RSCA 2024).

  • Paper titled “Deep Residual Distilled Convolutional Learning For Detection of Large Vessel Occlusion in Ischemic Stroke Patients” got accepted at the 1st IEEE‬‭ International‬‭ Conference‬‭ on‬‭ Artificial‬‭ Intelligence,‬‭ Medicine,‬‭ Health‬‭ and‬‭ Care‬‭ (AIMHC‬‭ 2024),‬‭ Laguna‬ Hills, California. (February 2024)

  • Paper titled “Deep Learning Based GABA Edited-MRS Signal Reconstruction” got accepted at the 18th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2023), Lake Tahoe, NV. (September 2023)

  • Received the Cal State LA Graduate Scholarship 2023. (September 2023)

  • Paper titled “Physics-Guided Deep Generative Model for New Ligand Discovery” won the best paper finalist award at the 14th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB 2023), Houston, TX. (September 2023)

  • Paper titled “Physics-Guided Deep Generative Model for New Ligand Discovery” got accepted at the 16th Computational Structural Bioinformatics Workshop (CSBW 2023) at the 14th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM-BCB 2023), Houston, TX. (August 2023)

  • Received the CSUPERB Faculty-Student Research Collaboration Grant 2023. (July 2023)

  • Received the CSUPERB Student Research Travel Grant 2023. (May 2023)